Tas Family Violence Action Plan

The next Family and Sexual Violence Action Plan is being developed, and the Tasmanian Government is now commencing a community consultation process, including five elements:

  • Hearing Lived Experience Survey 2022.

  • Establishing a Victim-Survivor Advisory Council.

  • Targeted workshops with key stakeholders, including a focus on diverse communities and priority areas for action. 

  • Partnering with Tasmanian Aboriginal community-controlled organisations.

  • Public written submissions.

MRT is keen to ensure male perspectives are included in this consultation process, including:

  • Men who may be victims/survivors of family violence.

  • Men who may be at risk of using violence, or have used violence in their family relationships.

We are currently considering the approach we wish to take. If you would like to be involved and to support MRT’s efforts to contribute constructively to this discussion, please send an email to us at info@mrtasmania.org.

The Tasmanian Government’s ‘Hearing Lived Experience Survey 2022’ - a public survey of adult victim-survivors with lived experience of family and sexual violence - is now online, and you can access it here.


Time for a male suicide prevention action plan


Eat your porridge, grab your drum, and join us for a walk this mental health day