Support Us

There are many ways organisations and individuals can give us support. We welcome contributions in any of the following ways:

  • become a financial member - see below

  • join the Tasmanian Men’s Health Network - scroll to the bottom of the page

  • join the MRT board

  • sponsor or host an event—we can provide presentations or workshops to business and community sector organisations, including suicide awareness (90 mins) and general men’s wellbeing topics

  • provide in-kind assistance with our administrative functions

  • sponsor MRT to help us continue to grow and extend the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our community

  • help us build our network and lobby government and the community sector to improve support for men and boys.

Membership at any level gives you one vote at General Meetings, the right to stand for the board, and discounts on resources and events.


Membership fees & subscriptions

Every year

Organisational membership for one year. You will receive notice, and an option to cease membership, before automatic renewal. Membership entitles you to one vote at General meetings, and discounts on products and events.

Every year

Concession membership for one year. You will receive notice, and an option to cease membership, before automatic renewal. Membership entitles you to one vote at General meetings, and discounts on products and events.

Tasmanian Men's Health Network